At Knowledge ’22, ServiceNow showcased the power of App Engine Studio, a feature-set within ServiceNow that expands end-to-end application creation beyond the developer skillset. App Engine Studio (AES) allows business users to create applications from scratch or a library of prebuilt templates. AES guides app creators through the entire process with contextual help along the way and simple interfaces to complete complex tasks.

This intuitive interface is user-friendly and uses plain business language to communicate the available actions. The template library includes five fully functional application templates that the app creator can use as a baseline for a new application.

App Engine studio home depicting Quick start options and the Template library.

App Engine Studio enables a level of autonomy for business user app creation that we have never seen before. App creators walk through each step and never have to touch a line of “code,” including creating Portal, Mobile, and Workspace experiences. The ability to code is still there for developers with elevated access, but it is possible to create an effective application without touching any of those elements.

App Engine Studio App Home, showing the major configuration categories: Data, Experience, Logic and automation, and Security.

Autonomy in constructing useful features is fantastic, but I believe the potential for collaboration around these new apps will be even more powerful.

As a developer and consultant, I know that if I build an application in a vacuum based on just my ideas, I am setting up the new application for failure. Even though I have 14+ years of experience on the platform, I’m not omniscient. Business needs are ever-changing, and as the ServiceNow platform expands, so does the circle of groups I work with. I need conversations with stakeholders and process participants to ensure I am addressing specific pain points and desired business outcomes. I can’t do it alone.

At CreatorCon ’22, the ServiceNow Developer Program passed out t-shirts with the tagline “My Apps Make the World Work.” I like to think that the motto could be “Our Apps Make the World Work,” giving the nod to the cooperative efforts that we know go into designing and building successful applications.

I am eager to see what incredible applications will emerge from collaborative teams working with App Engine Studio in the next few months (and beyond as we hear about what’s in store for Tokyo). How can your team benefit from the App Engine Studio?

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About the Author: Carleen Carter

About the Author: Carleen Carter

ServiceNow developer and architect since 2009, Carleen is self-described as a Serious Script Includer and Low Code Lover. She holds several ServiceNow certifications, including Certified Master Architect. Carleen has a knack for explaining challenging concepts in a relatable and approachable manner. She thrives on enabling customers & colleagues and loves to see their success. She excels at crafting creative solutions to complex problems with an eye on the big picture.